Thursday, December 5, 2019
Male Privileges in Pakistan Free Samples †
Question: Disccuss about the Male Privileges in Pakistan. Answer: Male privilege can be understood by the term itself that it considers to the factors, advantages or rights with respect to social, economic and politics that are given or allowed specifically to the men on the basis of their sex. Here, in this essay we will focus on the male privileges in Pakistan where we will study in brief the mans access to the benefits and the personal view on the stated advantages. The essay will give an idea about the how the men in Pakistan since their birth are focused and cared from their family. The essay will give the perspective on how these below points are not completely valid to me as there must be a gender equality in the country where the women or men all must enjoy same kind of freedom and right to work according to their own will. On the other hand some of the privileges like taking the responsibility of the old people in the family are one of the points that seemed me to be valid and appropriate according to the masculine norms. The certain crite ria and thinkings are related with the advantages that are taken or given to the male group which negatively impacts the definition of the privileges. The essay below will particularly talk about four privileges in deep along with some extra findings on the basis of the sources studied. Men in Pakistan are given more preference than the women who are mostly neglected. People in Pakistan prefer towards giving birth to male rather than female child. I came across this factor after reading various journals and reports on the medical care which were given to more frequently to the sons that the daughters. This shows that more of the care is given to the men rather than women. In the same manner this extends into later childhood and adolescence (Hou 2016). It might be one of the reasons because people tend to believe that the women are a complete wasted investment. The people in Pakistan think that if they have boy child they are blessed because they are the bread earners of the family and whatever they will earn or whatever the family has will stay with family itself rather would not go to others family as in case of girls (Khurshid 2016). Therefore, this preference of boys is embedded in the cultural essence of Pakistan. This often led to higher mortality rate in women . According to my reading and findings I have also read that the girls are breastfed for less number of months as compared to the male and even the males provided with more medical attention and care. Men in Pakistan also enjoy the privilege of freedom in the entire context as compared to women. There they enjoy many of the opportunities such as the freedom to education starting from the primary to higher studies some even go out to pursue higher studies in abroad where as the women are not facilitated with this opportunity. Over 62% of the women of total have not ever been to primary schools in Pakistan (, 2018). This in turn shows that the literacy level in women is too low as where in male the literacy rate is 69% and against female is 45%. Men in Pakistan have no further restriction while staying out of the house till late (The Nation, 2018). This is a kind of privilege that can be accepted but on the other hand the female group being in so much isolated form such as wearing burqa in public could have been accepted only if the same rights as like the men enjoy could have been enjoyed by the women. Pakistan is a country where basically there are two perceptions tha t women are to be subordinated to men and that mans honor resides in the action of the women of the family. According to me the freedom should be distributed equally to everyone in the country (Shah 2015). This way the country can get advantage of using its manpower to turn into its capital. According to my perspective this advantage taken by the men is not a right decision because the employment rate in the country can be contributed by both the gender which gradually shows the result by increasing the countrys development in all the sectors. Whereas, in my thinking the country should provide equal opportunity for both the genders to operate with their own decisions. Purdah is practiced in the country for only the women which is part of tradition, region and class which nowhere adds value but only unrelated men and women mix freely. This all practices are not only accepted in the rural but in urban residences too. This country is based and focused more on the men power rather than women because they believe that womens mobility is limited even in their behavior and activities (Shaikh and Pathan 2016). In this country, the employment options for the male section of the society are wider as for the females. Many professions such as games including cricket, Olympics and other, then army, science and technology this all field give the superior importance to the male group. Men enjoy a privilege in Pakistan where they give their family their own name and take the responsibility of the old people whereas the women leave their house after marriage and go to men house. This responsibility of men taking care of the elder people sounds nice but again the same women are no more responsible for getting any of the shares from her family and instead she had to take care and support her husbands family (Khalid, Nyborg and Khattak 2015). It is believed that men carry forward the name of the family and business trade but women do not which is not appreciated at all. The male are give the major of the land and property rights from his family. Women would be also given the right to take in charge of the family trade because they also have the capability to run the business successfully. The government there in Pakistan serves the benefit to the men who are eligible for holding all the property rights of the family more than the women. In some cases women are not even posted with any of the property rights once they are married to another family. Men can have the intention to keep relation with women informally whereas women can only keep formal relations with men. This type of thinking is back dated as it not only gives rise to illogical beliefs but also the illegal power to rise and impact negatively. The impacts can be as the men forcing his likes and dislikes or simply his opinions on the women and utilizing his power of authority in a distressful manner. Male are more subjected to adapt to any kind of decisions according to their like and dislike. As compared to the women they are not allowed to take all the decisions of their own but need to take permission from their father or brother. The country allows the men to work in any of the field without any of the restrictions. The men enjoy all sought of freedom in the country starting from earning their education in primary to earning opportunity in studying abroad. They make their own decision on the basis of their like and dislike. They even enjoy the privilege that they get in the field of employment as compared to the women of the country. More of the public services are preferred to the men as compared to the women who only constitute a few amount of contribution in the employment sector (Gill, Phull and Chachar 2017). Male are believed to take their own responsibilities and handle each situations and are believed that they are hard and not soft like women as a result they can tak e the responsibility of all the members of the family and this in turn gives them the right to take all the necessary decisions and even the decisions for the women of their family (Zubair and Zubair 2017). Their dislikes and likes are preferred by the society which led them a privilege by birth. This is wrong, because the right to make decision on the basis of own needs and requirements is to be granted to all. Men are domain with work and for women the work only limits within home related stuffs and taking care of the children. Research Journey While doing the assignment on reflective essay on the above topic it was interesting and knowledgeable as in the sense I never knew that there are such privileges taken in any part of the world where most of the benefits are given only to the men but not the women. I read out many reports and articles to understand the privileges that are allowed to the men in Pakistan. Some of the privileges were same as in other countries. It was also benefit for me because due to this study I went through many statistics which showed the level of literacy in Pakistan among females and males, the contribution of females in the work force and many other statistics. The main challenge while doing the assignment was to find out the exact privileges that were enjoyed by the men in Pakistan. As there are less information given on the specific about the privileges and more of the information were available on the feminism or the women of Pakistan. While the privileges are enjoyed by the men it can be see n that they strongly relate to the daily life domesticity. The decision making, taking forward the family name and trade are all part of the privileges that can be enjoyed by the male and female both but still are only addressed as male privilege in the country. The differences between male and female privileges in different countries, is the idea I have found with doing this assignment. Before doing this assignment I had no idea that on the name of privileges the men in some of the countries like Pakistan enjoy a limitless facility and which is given to them by their family members only. This research had helped me to gain knowledge on the field of privileges enjoyed by men in all the section of the society such as the social, political and economically. In the end, the essay can be concluded as such that male privileges that are enjoyed in Pakistan are partially correct and in some cases do not make any sense of their applicability. The first privilege that the male enjoy is they get the treatment and the facility at best from their birth where the women as compared to them do not get the same. In the similar manner again the male get various kinds of opportunity such as staying out with their friends, right to wear any sort of clothes of their choice, completing their education going abroad for wider opportunities. They enjoy the privileges offered by the services and institutions. The impacts of the privileges which are being used in a negative manner can affect the society and it consequences can lead to drag down the development of the society and the country. Some of the predetermined privileges wrongly formed due to the cultural thinking are the result of privileges harming the society and its components mainly the women. From the above it had been noticed that the male not only enjoy benefits in the field of education but also socially and in the family with great importance. References 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2018]. Gill, F., Phull, G.M. and Chachar, A.A., 2017. Human Rights Violations Of Labour And Women In Pakistan.Grassroots,51(1). 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